On this All Souls Day, or Day of the Dead, we pause to draw closer to the spirit world where our loved ones who have died reside. As the veil thins, the threshold between here and there blurs and perhaps offers a moment to co-exist once again. Love is shared and presence is felt if we have the courage to be still, reach beyond and extend an invitation.
The Gaelic celebration of Samhain (pronounced sown) on October 31 represents the mid-way point between summer and winter solstice. It marks the time of year where nature goes to slumber, preparing itself by releasing and letting go to make way for new growth. Such is the nature of things; to live, to bloom and to die to make way for new life.
We surrender to this time, this natural cycle of all living things. We prepare ourselves for releasing the things that no longer serve us and honor the grief process of letting go. We invite all spirits – whether remaining in earthly bodies or released to the spirit realm – to accompany us on the journey. May we learn this new rhythm of the season, surrendering to the cycle of release and reconnection.
